Tomato Cage Ponderings?

The garden does not appear to be damaged by frost. I’ll know for sure over the next couple days. Update as of 2:30pm I do see three tomato plants that were damaged. Hopefully that will be all.

I am now pondering the tomato cage issue. I am thinking of making my own this year. I used to have a bunch of them but they have disapeared for some reason.
I called a local hardware store and they said a 150′ roll of concrete reinforcement mesh is 99.99. Or they have 8 x 4 sheets for 7.95. I wish we could use some of our old goat fencing but not sure of the strength.

And if I did make them where would I store them all? The kind you make is not tapered so does not fit inside one another. Sigh. Anyone have Any better ideas?

One response to this post.

  1. yes make your own tomato cages out of welded wire fence. Work great much better than he ones you can buy


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